Nabídka cesty na výstavu Aquitanima
06.03.2015, Kamil Malát |
Organizátoři výstavy AQUITANIMA ve spolupráci s firmami Midatest a Sersia Evolution International poskytli českým chovatelům možnost se za zvýhodněných podmínek účastnit této výstavy a rovněž speciální tour po farmách. Nabídka je určena pouze chovatelům plemen limousine a blonde d’Aquitaine a je časově i početně omezená. Program se koná v termínu 4. – 8.5.2015 pro plemeno LI resp. 5. – 9.5.2015 pro plemeno BA. Účastníci si uhradí pouze cestu do Bordeaux a zpět a jednorázový příspěvek ve výši 200 EUR (300 EUR v jednolůžkovém pokoji), ostatní náklady jsou v režii organizátorů. V případě zájmu kontaktuje sekretariát svazu. Program cesty a podmínky najdete v odkazu dále (v AJ).
Blonde d’Aquitaine Tour 4. - 8.5.2015 zahrnuje:
• Reception at the airport and transfer to the hotel, Monday, 4th May
• Transfer during technical visits and hotel/fair
• Hotel (in twin room for 2 people or a single room, depending of your choice) for the nights
from 4th to 7th included
• Participation in the International Seminar at the Aquitaine Regional Council
• Lunches and dinners during technical visits (Dinner on Monday 4th May, lunches and
dinners on May 5th, 6th, 7th, lunch on May 8th)
• Accompaniment and translation
• Tickets for the fair
• Attendance on the International stand
All reservations are made by INTERCO
AT YOUR EXPENSE: Your trip to Bordeaux and personal expenses, financial participation of 200 €/person (twin/double room) or 300 €/person (single room)
Limousin Tour 5. - 9.5.2015 zahrnuje:
• Reception at the airport and transfer to the hotel, Tuesday, 5th May
• Transfer during technical visits and hotel/fair
• Hotel (in twin room for 2 people or a single room, depending of your choice) for the nights
from 5th to 8th included
• Participation in the International Seminar at the Aquitaine Regional Council
• Lunches and dinners during technical visits (Dinner on Tuesday 5th May, lunches and
dinners on May 6th, 7th, lunch on May 8th)
• Accompaniment and translation
• Tickets for the fair
• Attendance on the International stand
All reservations are made by INTERCO
AT YOUR EXPENSE: Your trip to Bordeaux and personal expenses, financial participation of 200 €/person (twin/double room) or 300 €/person (single room)
Deatilní program najdete zde:
Blonde d’Aquitaine Tour 4. - 8.5.2015 zahrnuje:
• Reception at the airport and transfer to the hotel, Monday, 4th May
• Transfer during technical visits and hotel/fair
• Hotel (in twin room for 2 people or a single room, depending of your choice) for the nights
from 4th to 7th included
• Participation in the International Seminar at the Aquitaine Regional Council
• Lunches and dinners during technical visits (Dinner on Monday 4th May, lunches and
dinners on May 5th, 6th, 7th, lunch on May 8th)
• Accompaniment and translation
• Tickets for the fair
• Attendance on the International stand
All reservations are made by INTERCO
AT YOUR EXPENSE: Your trip to Bordeaux and personal expenses, financial participation of 200 €/person (twin/double room) or 300 €/person (single room)
Limousin Tour 5. - 9.5.2015 zahrnuje:
• Reception at the airport and transfer to the hotel, Tuesday, 5th May
• Transfer during technical visits and hotel/fair
• Hotel (in twin room for 2 people or a single room, depending of your choice) for the nights
from 5th to 8th included
• Participation in the International Seminar at the Aquitaine Regional Council
• Lunches and dinners during technical visits (Dinner on Tuesday 5th May, lunches and
dinners on May 6th, 7th, lunch on May 8th)
• Accompaniment and translation
• Tickets for the fair
• Attendance on the International stand
All reservations are made by INTERCO
AT YOUR EXPENSE: Your trip to Bordeaux and personal expenses, financial participation of 200 €/person (twin/double room) or 300 €/person (single room)
Deatilní program najdete zde: