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XXXV World Charolais Congress 2008
Overview Information Contacts

The Czech Beef Cattle Breeders Association, the Association of Slovakian Beef Cattle Breeders, and the National Association of Hungarian Charolais Cattle Breeders cordially invite you participate in the XXXV World Charolais Congress, to be held 15-26 August, 2008 in Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
Official congress web-site.

The three organizing countries located in Central Europe have similar historical background and their present situation as new members of the EU show also lots of common features.

The World Congress and the study tour will focus on the presentation of Charolais herds medium and large-size farms with cattles of outstanding breeding values will be visited in each country. Besides the technical visits, participants will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the geographical, architectural and historical sights of the countries to be visited. Visit to the famous Hungarian Great Plain where the traditional Hungarian Grey cattle is living under natural circumstances, to the biggest agricultural exhibition of Slovakia and to the ancient, historical centre of Prague will be highlights of the program.

Join us and experience the hospitality of the Central European breeders, the natural beauty of our lands, the rich historical and cultural heritage of the Central European countries, but above all, feel our commitment to breed and present quality Charolais cattle.

See you in 2008 in the heart of Europe!

Milan Štrudl
prezident of charolais breeding club,
Czech Beef Cattle breeders Assosiation

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