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Aberdeen angus
Beef simmental
Belgian Blue
Blonde d'Aquitaine

System of testing bulls for breeding

The national system of testing bulls for breeding is carried out at performance test stations, which must be approved by Ministry of Agricultural of the Czech Republic for that purpose. Only the bulls from selected mothers and fathers can enter the performance test station - bull-calves born from assortative matings of bull-dams x bull-sires. The bull as well as his parents must fulfil the criteria of the selection program. Inspectors of the Czech Beef Breeders Association supervise that the bulls are bred and fattened according to the correct testing methods. They also measure and weigh the bulls before they enter the station, during the test and at the end of the test period. At the age of 13 months the test ends and on the basis of performance, breeding values, exterior and fulfilment of breed standard, a panel of breeders selects the bulls.
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